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COMMITTEE for the Defence of People's rights and the Free Legal Practice

COMMITTEE for the Defence of People's rights and the Free Legal Practice

The objetives of the Committee for the Defence of People's Rights and the Free Legal Practice are mainly as follows:

  • To ensure that people's rights are safeguarded, both individually and collectivelly, and that the existing state and international regulations that preserve and protect these rights are complied with, by using the mass media, promoting public campaigns and events, drawing up proposals and suggestions to modify the current legislation addressed at the authorities and the public opinion, and by taking all those relevant measures to preserve the efficacy of human rights.
  • To ensure and safeguard the free legal practice in its dealings with public bodies and the justice administration.
  • To encourage contacts with lawyer groups or associations other than those of Barcelona so as to coordinate in the international field the activities aiming at the defence and promotion of the said rights, paying especial attention to the right of defence.

*** MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE for the Defence of People's rights and the Free Legal Practice

Òrgans de direcció


    Mallorca, 283
    08037 Barcelona , Barcelona - España

    Comissió d'Advocats de Responsabilitat Civil i Assegurances, Comissió de Defensa dels Drets de la Persona i del Lliure Exercici de l'Advocacia, Comissió de Dones Advocades, Comissió de Dret Penitenciari, Comissió de Drogues , Comissió de Justícia Penal Internacional , Comissió dels Drets de la Gent Gran , Comissió per a la Igualtat de Drets dels Nous Models de Família, Comissió de Prospectives, Comissió d'Advocats d'Empresa T. 93 601 12 12 - EXT. 5341 F. 93 487 16 49 E.