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Company Lawyers Committee

The Board of the Barcelona Bar Association, at the meeting held on 17 February 2009, came to the agreement of establishing a Company Lawyers Committee.

The lawyers practising in the legal department of a company are highly qualified professionals with a thorough knowledge of company life, who carry out their professional practice in accordance with the rules of professional ethics and contribute to the Bar finances. Nevertheless, these members of the Bar have had no active participation within the ICAB until the establishment of the Company Lawyers Committee.

The Company Lawyers Committee is set up pursuant to the Bar rules in force to share the group's own features and so that its members can discuss and share the interests, traits and other circumstances concerning its members as legal professionals and promote iniciatives to attain the agreed objectives.

The Company Lawyers Committee has the following functions:

  1. To point out common features of the company lawyer
  2. To draw conclusions and come up with solutions to company lawyers' problems
  3. To promote good practice, action rules or models
  4. To make the function and worth of company lawyers known
  5. Any other decision of its members related to the Committee's aims.

Anyone participating in the Company Lawyers Committee does it on a personal, voluntary and selfless basis acting for no company and with no company interests involved.

*** MEMBERS OF THE Company Lawyers Committee

Òrgans de direcció



    Mallorca, 283
    08037 Barcelona , Barcelona - España

    Comissió d'Advocats de Responsabilitat Civil i Assegurances, Comissió de Defensa dels Drets de la Persona i del Lliure Exercici de l'Advocacia, Comissió de Dones Advocades, Comissió de Dret Penitenciari, Comissió de Drogues , Comissió de Justícia Penal Internacional , Comissió dels Drets de la Gent Gran , Comissió per a la Igualtat de Drets dels Nous Models de Família, Comissió de Prospectives, Comissió d'Advocats d'Empresa T. 93 601 12 12 - EXT. 5341 F. 93 487 16 49 E.