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Committee of Civil Liability and Insurance Lawyers

The Committee of Civil Liability and Insurance Lawyers consists of a group of practising lawyers who, with different approaches, devote themselve to issues of civil liability.

Their main objective is, as always, to carry out a thorough study of current regulations and of bills concerning all those areas of law in which civil liability and the relevant insurance do play a role. And they want to make those Bar members interested in such issues party to them by encouraging their training through the various activities organized throughout the whole year.

It is also a function of the Committee to mediate between Bar members and insurance companies, acting as safeguard of professional independence and ensuring the right of defence within the ambit of civil liability and insurance.

*** MEMBERS OF THE Committee of Civil Liability and Insurance Lawyers

Òrgans de direcció



    Mallorca, 283
    08037 Barcelona , Barcelona - España

    Comissió d'Advocats de Responsabilitat Civil i Assegurances, Comissió de Defensa dels Drets de la Persona i del Lliure Exercici de l'Advocacia, Comissió de Dones Advocades, Comissió de Dret Penitenciari, Comissió de Drogues , Comissió de Justícia Penal Internacional , Comissió dels Drets de la Gent Gran , Comissió per a la Igualtat de Drets dels Nous Models de Família, Comissió de Prospectives, Comissió d'Advocats d'Empresa T. 93 601 12 12 - EXT. 5341 F. 93 487 16 49 E.